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Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Major banks to see lingering NIM contraction

As lenders saw their profits slump in the first quarter of this year, several bankers said that they were expecting further decline throughout the year as rising costs overshadow their earnings.

According to the latest financial reports published by the top 10 largest banks by assets, a majority of them recorded a lower net interest margin (NIM) and higher expenses during the January to March period.

BRI to operate satellite for better services

State-owned lender Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) on Monday signed agreements with US satellite manufacturer Space Systems/Loral, LLC. (SSL) and French satellite launch services provider Arianespace to build and launch a satellite that BRI claims will help expand its service coverage.

The deals were signed by BRI president director Sofyan Basir, SSL senior vice president for programs and system David Bernstein and Arianespace senior vice president for sales and customer Jacques Breton.

President Susilo Bambang Yu-dhoyono, State-Owned Enterprises Minister Dahlan Iskan and Communications and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring attended the signing ceremony.

According to the agreement, the American company will be responsible for manufacturing the satellite, which will take around 24 months to complete.

World’s 10th-largest economy behind peers

Indonesia’s position as the world’s 10th-largest economy, according to a 2011 report, immediately dims among Southeast Asian peers, such as Malaysia and Thailand, when it comes to gross domestic product (GDP) per capita.

In the 2011 World Bank-affiliated International Comparison Program (ICP) report, Indonesia — the region’s largest country in terms of economy and population — recorded US$2,058 billion in GDP expenditure and $8,539 in GDP expenditure per capita.

World Cup expected to boost Kalbe Farma’s sales this year

Pharmaceutical giant PT Kalbe Farma (KLBF) says that it is upbeat about business in 2014 as it expects World Cup-related events and the government-backed universal health coverage program to drive up sales.

The company’s consumer health division will be largely influenced by the world’s largest sports event, as people will seek stamina boosters to keep up with the matches, according to Kalbe corporate secretary Vidjongtius.

The consumer health division offers products such as energy drinks Extra Joss and Fatigon Hydro, as well as multivitamin Sakatonik.

OJK pushes BTPN, Sumitomo to merge

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) is expecting that Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) and Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia, two subsidiaries of Japan’s Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC), will merge to strengthen their presence in the country.

OJK commissioner on banking supervision Nelson Tampubolon said on Thursday that the regulator would ask BTPN and Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Indonesia to include the consolidation arrangement in their 2015 banking business plan (RBB).

The request, Nelson said, was a follow-up from an earlier consolidation commitment by SMBC. 

“It [SMBC] has given us a letter of commitment to carry out the consolidation in the future, but it has not firmly defined a time frame,” he said in a text message.

Ada banyak jalan menuju reksadana

Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Begitu pula, banyak cara berinvestasi untuk mencapai tujuan keuangan keluarga. Ada yang menyukai investasi properti dan logam mulia, ada pula yang lebih memilih berinvestasi di surat-surat berharga.

Tapi, satu prinsip investasi yang mesti diingat dan diterapkan, Anda harus melakukan diversifikasi portofolio investasi demi meminimalkan risiko. Orang bilang, jangan menaruh semua telur ke dalam satu keranjang. Nah, Anda yang telah memiliki perencanaan keuangan keluarga, tentu sudah cukup mengenal yang namanya reksadana. Instrumen satu ini kerap menjadi sarana untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan investasi, baik jangka pendek, menengah, maupun panjang.

Daftar reksadana dengan imbal hasil tertinggi

Meroketnya Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) berimbas pada produk turunan yang memiliki aset dasar saham, seperti reksadana. Berdasarkan data PT Infovesta Utama, rata-rata return reksadana sahamyear-to-date hingga April 2014 berada di atas return IHSG. 

Return IHSG terhitung akhir Desember 2013 hingga akhir April 2014 memiliki imbal hasil sebesar 13,24%. Sedangkan, rata-rata return reksadana saham mencapai 16,06%. Nah, ternyata banyak return produk reksadana saham yang memiliki imbal hasil di atas rata-rata.

Berikut 10 reksadana yang memiliki imbal hasil tertinggi:

Tingkatkan Pemahaman Pasar Modal, BEI Gelar Sekolah Pasar Modal 2014

PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) bekerjasama dengan Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI), Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI), dan Anggota Bursa (AB) kembali menyelenggarakan Sekolah Pasar Modal (SPM) Tahun 2014. SPM merupakan salah satu bentuk kegiatan edukasi dan sosialisasi investasi di pasar modal yang telah dilaksanakan secara gratis sejak tahun 2006 dan terbuka bagi seluruh kalangan masyarakat umum yang terdiri dari para profesional, ibu rumah tangga, pensiunan, mahasiswa, pelajar, dan kelompok masyarakat lainnya.

Direktur Pengembangan BEI Friderica Widyasari Dewi menyatakan bahwa SPM 2014 bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarakat umum mengenai pasar modal sehingga masyarakat berminat untuk berinvestasi di pasar modal Indonesia. “Dengan adanya sekolah pasar modal, masyarakat dapat mengetahui seluk beluk berinvestasi secara komprehensif sehingga para investor dan calon investor diharapkan menjadi lebih cerdas dan handal dalam berinvestasi di pasar modal.”,ungkap Friderica. SPM terdiri dari 2 (dua) level yaitu SPM Level I dan SPM Level II.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

I. In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an or the) if they are necessary. if no article is necessary, write Ø.
  1. Jason's father bought him a bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday
  2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from Ø Franceto Ø United States.
  3. Rita is studying Ø English and Ø math this semester.
  4. Please give me a cup of Ø coffe with Ø cream and Ø sugar.
  5. The big books on the table are for my history class.
  6. What did you eat for Ø breakfast this morning?
  7. Rita plays a violin and her sister plays a guitas.
  8. while we were in Ø alaska, we saw an eskimo village.
  9. The chair that you arw sitting is broken.
  10. On our tripto Ø Spain, we crossed the Atlantic Ocean.