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Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Jurnal Perilaku Konsumen dan Review Jurnal II

Tema : Perilaku Konsumen

Analisis Perilaku Konsumen Rokok Di Kalangan Mahasiswa 

Universitas Pakuan 

Yudhia Mulya, SE, MM dan Sri Hidajati Ramdani, SE, MM 


Tingkat konsumsi rokok di Indonesia relatif tinggi dibandingkan dengan Negara-negara di Asia Tenggara. Secara konsisten, pengeluaran rumah tangga untuk kelompok barang tembakau dan sirih menempati urutan terbesar ketiga mulai dari tahun 2008 sampai dengan 2010. Berdasarkan data tersebut terlihat bahwa perilaku konsumsi masyarakat secara umum terhadap tembakau dan sirih telah menggeser kebutuhan makanan bergizi seperti ikan, sayur- sayuran, telur, susu, daging dan buah-buahan. Berikut ini gambaran pengeluaran konsumsi rata-rata per kapita sebulan berdasarkan data dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). 

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012

Jurnal Perilaku Konsumen dan Review Jurnal I (Journal International)

Theme : Behavior Consumen


Bircan Aşuk 
Izmir University of Economics  
Faculty  of Economics and Administrative Sciences/Business Administration
Sakarya Cad. No:156 Balçova/İzmir
Phone: 0 (232) 279 25 25 ; Fax: 0 (232) 279 26 26
Turkey has attracted foreign retailers for many years because of its high population, growing economy, growing market potential, young population and also, its high labour force. Although conditions are attractive, foreign retailers face some problems related to different demographic characteristics, different values, attitudes and different cultures of consumers in Turkey and also, in the other countries. One of the most important factors that affects consumers’ attitudes towards foreign retailers’ products and their willingness to purchase these brands is consumer ethnocentrism (According to ethnocentrism; people evaluate their race more superior than the other races). The aim of this research is generally to examine Turkish consumers’ atttitudes towards foreign retailers’ products. In this respect, consumer ethnocentrism is explored among Turkish consumers. Besides, it is explored how this consumer ethnocentrism affect product judgement of foreign products and willingness to buy these products. The effect of age and education on attitudes is also investigated. Data was collected through a questionnaire. And this questionnaire was applied to 50 people in October 2009.

Key words: foreign retailers, consumer attitudes, ethnocentrism