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Rabu, 23 Maret 2011

Tugas Bahasa Inggris


1. i asked her, " Do you like my new hair"
2. then he asked, " does it take longer to go by bus or by train?"
3. She asked me, " what time is it?"
4. he asked me, " how are you today?"
5. Roz asked, " did you mail that letter for me?"

1. i asked her if she did like her new hair
2. then he asked if he take to go by bus or train?
3. she asked me what time is it
4. he asked me how i am today
5. Roz asked me if i had mail that letter for me

Nomor Ganjil


3. The boss said, “ I have to finish this report by tonight “.
5. The teacher said, “ Everyone has to write a three – page paper for tomorrow “.
7. Jennie said, “ I’ve read that book “.
9. William said to me, “ I’ll finish to this tomorrow “.
11. I said to the waiters, “ This bill is wrong “.
13. Henry said, “ I can meet them later “.


3. The boss said that he had to finish this report by tonight
5. The teacher said that Everyone had to write a three-page paper for tomorrow
7. Jenie said that she had read that book
9. William said to me that he would finish this tomorrow
11. I said to the waiterss this bill was wrong
13. Henry said that he could meet them latter

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